Monday, April 28, 2003

has leadership qualities, can work independently

A pleasure to have in class. That was me.
Ug. Ug. Ug.
Now I'm feeling feelings of anxiety and worthlessness because I didn't get the grade I was expecting in astronomy.
I have no love for the letter C. It's a bad letter. It sucks in general. It's a cop-out grade. Kind of like saying, "Well, you're a loser because obviously you're indecisive about just failing with a D or actually achieving something with a B, loser." And like, exactly what purpose does it serve in the English Language? I mean, make up your mind, Ok?
Either you make an "S" sound or you make a "K" sound, there's no two ways about it.
Join me in my crusade to have the letter C completely removed from the Western World.
Why kan't kollege grades inklude the komments that buffer my feelings of pathetikness? (which, if it wasn't a word, is now) I'd be like, well I may have gotten a C in Astronomy, but look! I have leadership qualities! I'm going plasses! I'd be disillusioned, yes, but I'd be happy.
I keep going bakk to the website listing grades, hopeful that the professor has made some sort of adjustment and that I'll mirakulously have a B.
No such lukk.
The Birthday went well, but now I have awful feelings of Jewish Guilt that mean I get to add another year to my life.
I'm done with the Pita Pit for a semester, perhaps next fall I'll return, but since I'll be karrying 17 credits, it'll take some heavy konsideration. If they give me better hours, I'll say yes. If I have a weeks worth of klosings, I think I'll have to hang up the uniform. Of course, I am addikted to the paycheck so I might just bend over bakkwards anyways.

Oh well. I'm off to proposition myself to my professors. Exkuse me, it's going to be hard work, and like my 3rd grade teacher said, I am always prepared.

Monday, April 21, 2003

crap crap crap

Oops. I just spilled coffee on my desk.
That's better. Oh god, I'm sorry, I swear I'll never do the play by play again. There. Sorry, just had to get a few more drops.
What a horrible situdation I'm in...
I have a final tomorrow. Astronomy. Challenging. There is a good chance I won't come out alive. This wouldn't be so problematic of course, if it weren't also my birthday.
But I'm gonna suck it up and be a champion. "Happy Birthday!! Here's a test to Fail!!!" Just what I've always wanted, for sure.
The crappy part of this situation is mostly that I was cut off from the world, sans internet connection this weekend. Stupid Easter Weekend, Stupid housing office for not employing people of other worldy religions to fix the problem, stupid professors for furnishing the website witha copy of the study guide and not the students themselves and also being in communicado except via e-mail. How did they ever survive in the days with out cell phones and computers?
Just kidding. I was productive; I read the book and made my own notes.
Which just goes to show how much we've all changed.
I consider myself lucky because while my high school days were inundated with threats of university, the whole "going to college" thing wasn't plugged as shamelessly as it is today. By that I mean, I went to high-school to learn while my sister, not more than 3 years my junior, is going to high-school so that she can go to college. We no longer study to learn, we study to pass tests and if you ask me, that is exactly what's wrong with society these days. That is why we have Harvard attendees ringing up your X-Box at Best Buy and being unable to make proper change.
Tomorrow, more specifically at 10:10 post meridian, I will turn 19. God, I'm a child. It's okay though, because it goes straight to my head when I announce my birthday to others and they respond, flabbergasted, "Really? I thought you were older." I think that's a good thing, so I'm willing to share this little fact.

Friday, April 18, 2003

I admit it...I've been bad

So I haven't updated for a while. So sue me. So it's almost finals. So I have to study.
Work has begun to take its toll on me, as has the entire semester. But that's okay. Because while I don't have news, in the strictest sense, I do have news. Things to share...sharing is caring.
Unfortunately, I am excellent at procrastinating so forgive me while I make my way over to the University of Florida teaching observatory....

Monday, April 07, 2003

Helloooo??? get a clue??

I mean, if you call my cell phone SEVEN times, plus one text message and I don't pick up or respond...there's a good chance that I will continue not acknowledging you. Ergo, tune in and realize that I DON'T WANT TO SPEND TIME WITH YOU. Explanations of your actions to other guys result in weird looks and laughter. No one else has missed the point, and yet you still need to be beat over the head with the fact. Next time you call, I'm picking up and making everything crystal clear. hello.