Friday, August 01, 2003

One thing. No, two things. No, one thing...

Don't mess with Texas. I don't know how many were privy to that particular episode of Saturday Night Live, seeing as how Saturday Night Live sucks to no end now. But I am of the opinion that in the grand tradition of celebrities running for office, Will Ferrell should be president. He does a better job of Dubya than the main man himself.

Ok. But, that's not where I'm focusing today.
Uno. There was a quickie editiorial in the paper today explaining the difference between lying about "facts" and weapons of Mass Destruction and lying about oral sex to a Grand Jury. Basically the author poo-pooed Bob Graham citing that if lying was the only reason Bill got impeached, it should have happened a gazillion times. (I'm paraphrasing). Ok. I get the point. And in a Master Card format:
*Lie to Grand Jury about adultery and blow jobs, several million dollars, zero casualties.
*Report of inaccurate facts to western world, several billion dollars, several hundred casualties.
*Adultery being a bigger deal than War, priceless.


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