Monday, February 17, 2003

Guilty as charged

Saturday was a gloriously beautiful day. I mean, a Saturday straight out of Walden , except without all the fish guts and the pond. A Saturday to write home about, worthy of Emerson and every other Trancendalist. A Saturday that was so amazing, I have to beat you over the head with how great it was. The point had been received, no? Right so, I woke up at around 11 or so, messed around with homework and responsibility. And then I went over to the window where I came to the realization that this day was not to be wasted. Over to the Reitz union, where I ran into Amelia and Emily...I picked up some Subway and then we laid out on the lawn under the sky that I won't describe because I don't want to over do it as far as descriptions are concerned. Nothing was accomplished, save some girl talk that wasn't girly at all, but it was damn near perfection. Then, feeling all "walking on air" I decided to explore Gainesville...
First order of business, new flip flops. I headed down 13th feeling something familiar. It's difficult to describe. I initially summed it up as really enjoying G'ville, but feeling like I was on a permanent field trip (thus negating permanancy). Then I started to realize that I actually enjoy living here. Which scared me to a point, excited me to another. But back to the issue at hand. Under the fabulous weather, I ground over to Freeride and picked up new flip flip flip flops. I splurged, yes. For black flip flops. They were more than the $3 I might have paid had I visited Old Navy. But I reserve my Old Navy flip flops in various colors for the shower and beach. After spending my money free of guilt, I crossed the street to the natural food store, Mother Earth. Picked up some lettuce and other organic, vegetarian food stuff....along with organic milk (I think I'm done with Soy milk for a while), and once again, headed outdoors.
I could have walked forever. Except, I had to be at work in a few hours...But oh...
As I was walking home, something struck me and I finally named this feeling I've been feeling. The one that reminds me of a field trip. In other eyes, I'm still a baby. I have lots more to discover. But, I think I'm finally beginning to see what being an adult is like. I'm, for the most part, independent, away, working, studying, and I'm realizing what this feels like. Goodness.
I feel truly, one hundred percent happy. After a not so fabulous winter break, this is wonderful.
Allow me to bitch for a moment. I figure I've already numbed you with my emphasis on Saturday, so I'll continue with out further ado.
My first day back on the mountainin Aspen, five runs or so into the day, one or two jumps with decent air, I decide I can handle a black. And I probably could have, if there were no moguls. I'm not a big fan of mounds of snow, but I'll ski them. Anyways, taking my time down the mogul run, being extra cautious, I end up on my ass five or so feet away from my skis and one of my poles. Thank god there was a kind soul on run who was above me. I never got his name, the chance to thank him properly, but he was one of those people you read about in Ann Landers. He helped me up, gathered my skis, made an X in the snow and skiied down to meet cousin Brian, who was my companion for the day. Five or so minutes later, a swarm of Ski Patrol guys came to the rescue, put me in the little tobagan thingie and skiied me to the clinic, where $600 worth of X-rays and Orthopedic analysis determined that I had completely torn my ACL and sprained my MCL (an MRI later reported that I had fractured my bones as well). So instead of being able to have a blast with cousin Anne and our friend Allison, I was stuck on the crutches and the couch, doing my therapy exercises and learning that even if there are 900 channels, there really is nothing on TV.
Came home to Miami feeling not so relaxed. There I learned that my mother's mom (Nana Banana) had colon cancer, remarked how the vacation seemed to be shaping up nicely, drip drip drip goes the sarcasm. I sulked for a day or so, became the ice queen to sisters two and mother, and then realized that I needed to start counting my blessings. Number one, at least my legs weren't broken. Number two, I didn't have cancer. Number three, I know my grandmother. Number four, colon cancer can be take care of. I counted more as my time in Miami came to an end, and as the school year started up in Gainesville. Nana came through the colonoscopy just fine. She suffered a broken hip a week or so later, but she's working through that too. Times seem shitty....Even when I'm making money and enjoying the company of my co-workers...yes I was "happy."
But it took a Saturday like February 15 to make me really sublime. And that Saturday, with all its blessings came to be Blessing number one. I can appreciate, see, feel, live in a perfect Saturday.
And I have guilty pleasures tooooooooooo.....

Caramel Coffay smoothies from Freshens
Splurging on flip flops
Watching trading spaces
"wasting time" listening to music
eating cookies
enjoying a spoonful of honey before I put it in my tea
being totally unproductive


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