Thursday, November 20, 2003

Let's do the Time Warp.

Hey. I was only gone for, like, three days. I know my last name is strikingly similar to a certain character in a Romanticist American Folktale involving a coma, and I know that I did sleep for a long time, but this is ridiculous.

Could I really have gone back in time? Because I could have sworn that we, as a public hungry for media, handled this Micheal Jackson silliness a long time ago. As in, In Living Color was able to run it into the ground so much that I can vaguely remember it.

Or maybe Emm-Jay is reminding people that we can laugh at him. Or maybe, just maybe, the other news is too depressing or "controversial" or, I don't know, informative. Maybe this is what the public wants to know about, in a three hour non-stop coverage.

I know I certainly felt better when Fox news replayed (no less than 5 times in 3 minutes) the clip of Micheal's jet coming into the hangar. And the car leaving to Never Never Land.

I guess no child went unfed in soem third world nation. I guess there were no heroic deeds this week. Was there no scandal in the government or Fortune 500? Is life really that dull that Micheal Jackson's pesky pedophilia (always alliterate) has to become the center of our lives?

I guess so. In which case, I think I'll go back to bed.


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