Tuesday, April 06, 2004

chag sameach

Happy Passover.

So, George Burns gets a call from the Queen's men one day, telling him he's to be knighted. They fill him in on the procedure, the big to-do, the procession, and then the actual knighting. After the queen dubs him, he's supposed to say a little bit of latin. George plays it cool on the phone, but afterward, he calls his buddy Shlomo, to complain, because damned if George Burns knows latin.

"It's ok" says Shlomo. "Just mumble a little hebrew, the queen is so old, she won't be able to tell the difference."

So the big day comes and everything runs along smoothly, George goes up, the queen dubs him and then he prepares for his part:
"Mah nish tanah Ha laila hazeh, Michol ha leilot."

The queen is confused, but polite, so after George steps down, she turns to one of her footmen and asks:

"Why is this knight different from all the other knights?"


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