Saturday, April 02, 2005

Paradox. and I'm not talking about a couple of doctors.

One thing I love about the English Department is this underlying competition to see modernity in a different way than someone else. Deconstruction is so much fun, sometimes, you know?

There's this hierarchy in almost every aspect of my life. When did life get out of the black and white television era?

There's life, lived. And then there is death. Live and Die, that is what we all do for a living.

The power of this one fact, this one truth, is indeed that is the one thing that we know for sure is coming down the road. So the grey area in between? That's the road you choose.
Will it be the Autobahn? Perhaps Krome Avenue? How does the Florida Turnpike sound to you? County Road 23 in New Mexico? Some dirt path in the mountains of Tibet? And just why is one any better than the other? We assign arbitrary importance to things that to me, seem innately ridiculous. I have a difficult time of accepting why we would do something that seems so trivial. I think this comes off as nihilism.
We belive in nah-sing, Lebowski.


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