Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Hmm. The Black Eyed Peas make me hungry

Tomorrow is Erev Rosh Hashannah. There's a dinner at six at the Hillel, and services start at 8 in the Reitz. I'm thinking about blowing off the dinner....because, come on, it's dinner at the Hillel.

Thursday morning are the Reform services. My class is at 9:35. Since it's French, I'm thinking I could just go anyways, and still get to services in time. It's worship enough, but it will make Yom Kippur all the better. It's going to be the Holiest of Shabbats this Saturday as it is the holiest day of the year, and the holiest day of the week. A double whammy, Charley-Frances style.

I really cannot wait for the start of the new year. I don't know why this is so monumental to me. It really feels like it's this puzzle piece that someone's holding. I'm watching them pick it up, and hover it over the still incomplete section of the picture. I see it fits, I'm saying, "Yo, put the puzzle piece down already. I need to be seeing this big picture."

Without power, I did a lot of reading. I'm back in an existential funk, and licking up every one of the pages of The Age of Reason. Inside, I found a picture of a young me I thought I had lost. It's me and all my camp friends, in L.A., at the Hilton. We're so cute, us Jewish kids. It's ironic, in an Alanis Morrisette way, that I found it after so long, in Sartre, where I sought to find myself.
Also, I've been reading, The Alchemist. It is a compelling, beautifully serious novel, and it is chock full of signs.
Also, L'etranger, en francais. C'est plus interessant dans sa langue naturelle.

Today, after class let out, and after I putzed around in the computer lab, I took a walk all around campus.

I let me mind go.

I just walked around, the skies were gray, and the wind blew gently, cooling the sweat. It's was a soft day, full of activity, but spent well.

Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans dot, dot, dot.


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