Thursday, June 17, 2004

Random. Yes.

Um. I'm in the computer lab right now, working on some stuff for my French exams tomorrow. (Comme je suis doué! Et intelligente!)
Anyways, I know it's not the library or anything, but it is a place where I feel like an asshole if I hit the keys too hard as I'm typing.
Sometimes cell phones go off, but for the most part, people keep them on silent so as not to disturb the kids who are probably running on coffee fumes from 24 hours ago as they desperately work to finish their projects.

There are also a bunch of signs all over the walls forbidding food, drink and computer games, and I'm of the opinion that intelligent people would realize that computer labs, which don't require absolute silence, are places where quiet is appreciated by others.
Which is why I can't understand why this dumb-ass a few rows behind me insists on humming and whistling and typing with a hammer.

Nothing very important, that is all.


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