Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Balance, glass hopper.

I should probably most definitely be coloring in my Anatomy coloring book (like, college can be FUN!) for the fabulous Exam IV tomorrow morning.
But. In keeping with the purpose of Kaddish, I must appreciate the multitude of creation in the universe. (I think Joni said it best in "Both Sides Now," there's something lost, but something gained, in living every day.)
I met my seventh cousin this past Holiday. Ruby Skye. (awww) She's got these immensely magnetic eyes that are interpreting everything new into some unspeakable genius truth. (Thanks, Piaget!). And as gassy babies tend to be, quite cheerful. Oh. I have to say it. (everybody now, in your best Seinfeld.) (Ready?). "You gotta see the bay-bee!".
But seriously, folks; I've been getting new pictures of her over a few months, and remarking how gorgeous she is, but in person, it's so much more powerful. With her more-red-than-auburn hair, and her big blue eyes, and her Russian Jew meets Celtic Viking features, she is quite a pretty baby gal. And of course, her baby cuteness. And her tiny hands. And her babbling, and teething and crocodile tearing all the time. She was the best part of Thanksgiving. Who can be cranky when there's a baby around? We were all gaa-gaa over goo-goo.

I mean, it's a new person. A new life to develop in a real world. And there are a billion bright lights in the Universe that have been dimming for billions of years, and, here on Earth, humans only get to shine for a few brief moments. It gives a lovely light. And our version of the light that can be seen for billions of years, is the happy memories we leave with our companions.

Me? I'm not going to live as if every moment was my last. I'm just going to live as if I have my entire life. I will not get bothered by the small stuff, like school being annoying. I have my health. Real health. But if my life is over tomorrow, at least I will have done what I was meant to do each day. (Clearly not cramming for Anatomy.)

And you know what else? I think more people need to realize that it actually feels nice to be a good person to others. Because who wants to be remembered as some snotty brat who didn't hold the door or you shoved your change back at you. (guilty of the latter, once or twice.)

Anyways. I'm getting off the pulpit now, or done preaching to the choir, or finished usurping the soapbox or whatever.

Can I get a witness?


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