Tuesday, March 04, 2003

Oh I'd like to visit the moon...

Talk about nostalgia. I've been downloading movies instead of being a real productive member of society and renting DVDs. So, recently I've aquired Sleeping Beauty and Robin Hood, old-school Disney style. So, after completing most of my responsibilities and getting off work (5 to 9 shift baby), I plugged into Sleeping Beauty , afraid of waking up A'Lesha, I made to turn the sound down. Check this out...with in the first blaring of horns, she jumps out of bed and flies to mine, sitting on top like an eager child (considering our matresses are 4 feet or so off the ground, this is no easy feat for people of our stature. But the amazing thing was that she knew it was Sleeping Beauty before it even got to the main theme. So we all watched it together, A'Lesha, Amanda and I totally regressed and chilled to Disney. So, then, getting into the groove, I downloaded "Once Upon a Dream." Then I hit up Sesame Street and pirated Ernie's version of "I don't want to live on the moon," Kermit's "Rainbow Connection" and "Being Green." Mature? Me? You bet your tush. And just as an extra, I got the Less than Jake cover of "Rainbow Connection." So try telling me that I'm immature while the rocking Gainesville group jams to Kermit.

Speaking of Sesame Street, what's up with Mr. Rogers dying?
I know there are all the snickers towards pedophilia and being a dirty old man, but that dude rocked my childhood. I mean, I looked foward to his front door opening and him standing there, all ready to change his sweater, then his shoes and then he would feed that damn goldfish. And then, at the end of the half hour, he would reverse the process. Sometimes, we left the house and visited people in the neighborhood [note to self: download that song too] but more often than not, we stayed in his living room, or we pretended...man. Where's my peanut butter and jelly sandwich with the crusts cut off, sliced into triangles, my backyard adventures, and if I go on, I'll end up hating college? dot dot dot
Musical Piracy is wrong, but I'm reminiscing here.

Anyways. Now my afternoons are obsessed with pay checks and homework....not in that order, of course. And still, this may be the only time in my life where paychecks are devoted solely to food and concert tickets....live, live, live, live it up.

Why are there so many
Songs about Rainbows?
And what's on the other side?


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