Friday, December 12, 2003

(DISCLAIMER: I love to toot my own horn. And I've been studying for a long time, so grammar's kinda gonna be all over the place. I apologize for whatever errors in advance.)

Have you seen my ass? I think I may have left it behind in the library, you know, because I studied my ass off. (oh, hahahaha) That's why I've been MIA. I'm sure you all missed me. In action. Hah!

(By the by, this is a cameo, I'm just dropping by to let you know that I am not at all looking foward to my Anatomy exam, so send me prayers, helpful hints, cheat sheets.)

Anytoots. I had started an entry a day or so ago about the increasing volume of toy commercials versus the increasing volume of tear-jerker AT&T commercials being aired on network television, but I caught myself before it was too late and returned to whatever subject I happened to be studying at the time (Food Science? Evolutionary Anatomy? 16th century English Lit? Statistics? Take your pick.)

But now, I've racked up a decent 30 hours of studying, and my first exam isn't 'til Monday, so I earned this breaky-poo. Aren't you proud of how studious I am? Aren't you?

So today, after yet another review, I went over to friend's house to take part in the cake and ice cream celebration (in honor of her birthday, of course.)
I wouldn't call us best friends forever or anything, but we went to the same Temple as kids, and we've been homo-hotties to a couple of the same gay friends we have, so you know, I guess we have stuff to talk about.

Here's the thing:
I hate to say it about Reform Judaism, but for the most part, once the JAPs (Jewish American Prince(sses)) are Bar/Bat Mitzvahed, they say adios to any further exposure to Jewish Life. As in, in a congregation of, oh, 800 families, maybe 20% of those families force their kids to experience the Hell of Hebrew Highschool (a fabulous way to spend your Monday nights) or, failing that, go to services at least 5 times a year.
Basically, the Active Jews in the Temple are all over forty.

In part because being President of Temple's Youth Group looks nice on college applications, but mostly because I enjoy being actively Jewish and because the Temple did not already have a NFTY Youth Group (Yay Horny Jewish teens!) I dedicated a few years to setting one up. And, you know, since I was the one who got it started (with a lot of help from the Temple's Youth Directors), I appointed myself president.
I didn't break my back or anything, but for me, in between school, senioritis, college apps, rowing and life, I felt I put in a good amount of effort.
And I didn't piss anyone off either! I got my curent "job" with a good recommendation from the Education Director!

So could someone please tell me why, when this friend of mine who hasn't been at the Temple in at least 7 years (and believe me, I know) has received a Chanukah care package, and I have not?

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. I should quit whining. But dammit, I want a dreidel too!!!


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