Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Everybody's got something to hide 'cept for me and my monkeys.

Or is it monkies?
No matter. We're all part of the same family, us primates.
It says so here, and here, and here too.

There's a lot of hard evidence (pun intended) on the planet to add credibility to evolutionary "theory." Sure, there was the case of the Piltdown man. But it was simply Charles Dawson's idea of a cruel prank that ended up setting paleoantrhopologists back by 40 years. The myriad fossils and jaws and skulls and femurs that I had to be able to identify? I'm pretty sure that's real. And let me just clarify that when I say pretty sure, I mean it in the way that I'm pretty sure that the English Alphabet has 26 letters.

But, of course, there's always the argument for the other side. And as far as that other side is concerned, I come across as an atheist who denies that the Lord God (not to be confused with the Lord Jesus) created everything in its current form.

To set the record straight, I'm quite Jewish, and quite fond of Adonai. I talk to the dude on a semi-regular basis, so I don't think the term atheist quite fits. I have absolutely no problem whatsoever believing in some supreme being, even if there's no definite proof other than the overwhelming complexity of the universe. Seeing is often believing, but I don't think I need to see everything I believe in.
Gravity for instance, I can't see it, but damned if it doesn't cause me to trip and fall flat on my ass every day.

To me, the Creationist rebuttal for Evolution would be like going to the Redwood forests, looking at the impressive Sequoias, feeling their bark, their sap, smelling their life, and then calling the entire forest a man-made hoax. Never mind that the trees have been there for hundreds of years. And nevermind that we can date Austrolopithecines back 4.4 million years. That's six zeros. I know plenty of people who get all persnickety with one zero after a 4.

I just don't get it. I mean, look at the computer. In the past century or so, it's evolved from it's orginal humungous casing into laptops not much thicker than a textbook. And we can go back and look at the old Apples and see that, yes, at one point, computers did look like refrigerators. And because we have that tangible evidence, no one really feels the need to out themselves as the village idiot and call it a hoax.

There are millions of ways to give evidence that Humans and Apes and our respective ancestors belong in the same family. To name a few, hip and pelvic structure, the structure of the femoral head, the bones in the hands and feet, the upper and lower limbs, the teeth, the cranium, the jaw, the dentition, the eye orbit. And that's the visual component. There's also DNA.

But what do I know? I guess it's just because my head has been corrupted by PBS and other learning mediums.
Let's wrap up with a line from The Good Book, which Spencer Tracy delivered remarkably well:

"forget not those who do evil unto thous for they shall inherit the wind."

[thanks to Becoming Human and the Tree of Life Website]


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