Friday, April 23, 2004

Off the chain-ness

My birthday party was so off the chain.
Some of you may be asking, "How off the chain was it?"
And to you, I answer, so off the chain, that even that mean guard dude with the reflective glasses in Cool Hand Luke couldn't have caught us.

Every party will have its own little quirks that make it special, so there is no check-list for making your party off the chain. However, the following occurances tipped me off:

1- The random drunk homeless guy rolled up to see "if any of [his] buddies were inside." (they weren't.)

2- the two front columns that previously held up the porch roof fell over.

Man, I felt so special.

Thursday, April 22, 2004


Okay, so. I think today's going to be a good day.

top 10 reasons why:

10. I just cringed when I wrote :"Okay, so." But, I don't have any type of grammar lesson today. And that is because classes are over, and I have only one exam next week.

9. I made money last night.

8. Dispatch is so cool.

7. I don't have to be anywhere today.

6. I have to be at a party tonight. :)

5. The sun is high in the fluffy blue sky.

4. I'm a poet, and I don't know it. (or do I?)

3. I have laundry money.

2. It is a positively sublime 78 degrees (and rising!) out doors. April is here!

and the number one reason that today so totally rocks?

1. It is my fucking birthday. You now have permission to celebrate me. Party on.

Thursday, April 08, 2004

There's no F in Weigh...

This whole day has been shitty. It was lovely at first, French went well, the sun was out, the weather was nice, and I was looking forward to Primo's memorial service.

As far as I know, the most incredible people give themselves up too early. Shoot me for quoting Billy J, but uh, only the good die young. Primo always made me laugh, and in the best way possible. Remembering the good times makes me feel better about the whole ordeal, but then I remember that I'm never going to see him again. And, a life for someone's senseless, vicious brutality.

In anycase, the memorial service went well, the University kind of extended a "hug" by having the Vice President of Student Affairs and the Dean of the School of Accounting come up and speak. And they only knew him through the papers that reported his death, so it was weird at first. Then G got up and totally brought it together. Slide show, with really great pictures that captured his spirit. But then, as I was going to work, I just lost it. It was ridiculous.
To distract myself, I did a bunch of prep and dishes at work. The co-workers help, which is one reason I still kind of like my job. Then one of the gals put on really cheesy Rod Stewart love songs, and we just went crack heard cleaning up the store, twirling and dancing and prancing, making love to the camera, serenading the broom.
Those gals is ma' pals.
And then I got off at 10, and remembered I had promised Banana I'd help avec ses devoirs françaises.
Mais elle n'a pas completé les leçons, donc elle m'a rendu ....
uh, nevermind.

So whatever, I've been thinking/going crazy for a while, and I feel...
like I'm in's not's not great...


Tuesday, April 06, 2004

chag sameach

Happy Passover.

So, George Burns gets a call from the Queen's men one day, telling him he's to be knighted. They fill him in on the procedure, the big to-do, the procession, and then the actual knighting. After the queen dubs him, he's supposed to say a little bit of latin. George plays it cool on the phone, but afterward, he calls his buddy Shlomo, to complain, because damned if George Burns knows latin.

"It's ok" says Shlomo. "Just mumble a little hebrew, the queen is so old, she won't be able to tell the difference."

So the big day comes and everything runs along smoothly, George goes up, the queen dubs him and then he prepares for his part:
"Mah nish tanah Ha laila hazeh, Michol ha leilot."

The queen is confused, but polite, so after George steps down, she turns to one of her footmen and asks:

"Why is this knight different from all the other knights?"

Friday, April 02, 2004


I seem to like this pallet.
I really like this word: petrichor.

But more than that, I think the best words are those that sound like what they are. Not onomatopoeia, but words like
muffin. Or, ooh ooh!

This is a comment away with your favorite words.